Tuesday 26 January 2016

My Top 10 Inspirational Quotes

Hello again everyone its -A!!!!
It feels like I've been gone for ages :(
Anyway today I'm going to be telling you my top 10 quotes and why as I find when reading quotes I feel very moved and inspired.
So hopefully you will enjoy this blog post today and continue reading!
P.S these quotes aren't in any particular order

  1. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody- I think that we should all treat others how we want to be treated and it can't hurt to make a person feel important 
  2. If nothing ever changed there'd be no butterflies- This is one of my favourites because it teaches us that change is for the good and we should expect good things from it 
  3. Sometimes , I pretend to be normal but it gets boring so I go back to being me-this quote definitely expresses the fact that we should not try to be copies of others and stick to who you are (Good message there )
  4. Laughter is timeless , imagination has no age and dreams are forever-  shows that we should enjoy all the little things we have and continue to fight for your dreams no matter who you are
  5. In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take- we should take chances even if we know the risks as we only have this one life so why not make it a good one?
  6. Sometimes we just have to let things go- the past has gone now and we are in the present and should look forward to the future coming. Don't let bad experiences hold you back
  7. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step- even though our dreams may be big and unreachable you can achieve it slowly and in time
  8. Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a pretty mind , pretty heart and pretty soul- beauty is not always about the outside but your kindness and heart inside of you
  9. A smile is the shortest distance between two people-  smiling to someone doesn't take a lot of time as it could be the nicest thing that person has seen all day.
  10. Trust is like a paper once its crumpled it can't be perfect- trust has been something I have always admired from people. Once you lose it then it can never go back to the way it once way. That's why I think having friends that you can trust 100% is a good idea. I'm so glad I met my 3 amazing friends . 
So there you have it my kinda cheesy top 10 quotes . We are so grateful for 1131 page views and if you are interested in more beauty reviews and pictures then why not head over to our instagram 
Also if you are keen to send us any products to try out and review for you then please either contact us on our instagram or email us at ACDL.PGJR@gmail.com
Thank you and we will see you next tuesday with a new blog post
-A xx

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